8th Grade Promotion
The drive thru ceremony is scheduled for this Wednesday, June 16th from 6-8pm for all 8th grade students who meet the promotion ceremony criteria. Phone calls have been made to parents of students who do not meet criteria and are not able to participate in the drive thru promotion ceremony.
Please remember to stay in your vehicle at all times to ensure everyone’s safety. To comply with social distancing guidelines and for the safety of all of our students, parents, staff and community we ask that you please follow this schedule based on the first letter of your students last name:
6:00 pm – A-F
6:30 pm – G-L
7:00 pm – M-R
7:30 pm – S-Z
Although we are not able to have the traditional promotion ceremony we have planned a wonderful evening to say goodbye and good luck to our students. We hope you join us and give us the opportunity to see their wonderful smiles as they complete their middle school experience.